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Tiendas Sibley "Bell Tent"

Tiendas Sibley “Bell Tents”

Las tiendas Sibley Bell Tents de CanvasCamp son las mejores tiendas de lona para glamping y camping. Hechas de lona 100% algodón de alta resistencia en una variedad de tamaños y estilos, nuestra amplia selección de tiendas campana “bell tents” te ofrecen la posibilidad de poder elegir la mejor tienda para cubrir tus necesidades específicas, por el entorno, el tamaño o el estilo de campamento.

La tienda campana o bell tent evolucionó a partir de la patente de 1858 de Henry Hopkings Sibley, que combina la resistencia al viento y la lluvia del tipi Nativo Americano y un único diseño de palo o mástil central para un fácil montaje y transporte por parte del ejército. Después se le añadieron paredes laterales bajas ,lo que le da a la tienda su característica forma de campana, un nuevo nombre y más espacio y amplitud para estar de pie dentro de la tienda.

Las tiendas Sibley son resistentes a diversas condiciones climáticas y brindan un amplio espacio para las personas, su equipaje e incluso un conjunto completo de muebles.

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7 artículos

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    2. you are a private person living outside the EU, but you are having your purchase delivered to an address within the EU.
    3. you are a company with a valid VAT number based in Belgium.

    You do not pay VAT if:
    1. you are a private person or company based outside the EU, and having your purchase delivered to an address outside the EU.
    2. you are a company with a valid VAT number based within the EU (excl. Belgium).
    * Some countries impose import fees and/or taxes. These vary by country. These fees are not paid by, collected by, or accounted for by CanvasCamp. The shipping agent (generally speaking UPS) will collect any amount due prior to, or at the time of delivery. Familiarize yourself with the import and taxes that your country imposes by contacting your Customs Authority. The Harmonized tariff Schedule (HS) code for our canvas tents is 6306.2900.

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      Sibley 520 Apex

      1.799,00 €
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      Sibley 400 Ultimate

      Sibley 400 Ultimate

      Precio especial 629,00 € Precio habitual 699,00 €
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      Sibley 600 Twin Ultimate

      Sibley 600 Twin Ultimate

      Precio especial 1.169,00 € Precio habitual 1.299,00 €
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    7 artículos

    Fijar Dirección Descendente
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    You pay VAT if:
    1. you are a private person living within the EU, and having your purchase delivered to an address within the EU.
    2. you are a private person living outside the EU, but you are having your purchase delivered to an address within the EU.
    3. you are a company with a valid VAT number based in Belgium.

    You do not pay VAT if:
    1. you are a private person or company based outside the EU, and having your purchase delivered to an address outside the EU.
    2. you are a company with a valid VAT number based within the EU (excl. Belgium).
    * Some countries impose import fees and/or taxes. These vary by country. These fees are not paid by, collected by, or accounted for by CanvasCamp. The shipping agent (generally speaking UPS) will collect any amount due prior to, or at the time of delivery. Familiarize yourself with the import and taxes that your country imposes by contacting your Customs Authority. The Harmonized tariff Schedule (HS) code for our canvas tents is 6306.2900.